Slovesa pro T 2

05.05.2019 20:13


1. poslechni si písničku "Blood on blood".

2. zkus najít v písničce podle poslechu následující věty:

I was just a kid. / Friends were friends forever. / It was me. / You said, you did.

We cut each other's hands. / We held tight to a promise/ We were so young. /

Bobby was our hero. / He had a fake I.D. / I got busted stealing cigarettes.

He took. / I got a call in the dead of the night.

3. najdi tyto věty přímo v textu písničky.

4. zkus tyto zkrácené žluté věty přeložit.

5. všechny věty jsou v minulém čase,  zapiš do tabulky slovesa z těchto vět tak, aby v prvním sloupečku byl základní tvar slovesa a v druhém sloupečku minulý tvar slovesa:

základní tvar nepravidelného slovesa minulý tvar nepravidelného slovesa


6. jak se tvoří minulý čas sloves jako say, pay, lay... si můžeš připomenout  v textu písničky - you said - nebo tímto "Říkadlem"

(Řešení úkolů je pod textem písničky)


I can still remember
I was just a kid
When friends were friends forever
And what you said was what you did
Well, it was me and Dan and Bobby
We cut each other's hands
And we held tight to a promise
Only brothers understand

But we were so young (so young)
One for all and all for one (for one)
Just as sure as the river's gonna run
Blood on blood One on one
We'd still be standing
When all was said and done
Blood on blood One on one
And I'll be here for you
Till Kingdom come Blood on blood

Well, Bobby was our hero
Because he had a fake I.D.
I got busted stealing cigarettes
And he took the rap for me

Danny knew this white trash girl
We each threw in a ten
She took us to this cheap motel
And turned us into men

We were so young (so young)
One for all and all for one (for one)
Just as sure as the river's gonna run
Blood on blood One on one
We'd still be standing
When all is said and done
Blood on blood One on one
And I'll be here for you
Till Kingdom come Blood on blood

Now Bobby, he's an uptown lawyer
Danny, he's a medicin man
And me, I'm just the singer
In a long haired rock'n'roll band
Through the years and miles between us
It's been a long and lonely ride
But if
I got a call in the dead of the night
I'd be right by your side
Blood on blood, blood on blood

Through the years and miles between us
It's been a long and lonely ride
But if
I got a call in the dead of the night
I'd be right by your side

Blood on blood, blood on blood
Blood on blood  One on one
We'd still be standing
When all is said and done
Blood on blood One on one
And I'll be here for you
Till Kingdom come Blood on blood...


Úkol číslo 2
I was just a kid. =  Byl jsem dítě./  Friends were friends forever. = Přátelé byli přáteli navždy.
/ It was me. = To jsem byl já. / You said, you did. = Ty jsi řekl, ty jsi udělal.

We cut each other's hands.  = Řízli jsme jeden druhého do ruky.
We held tight to a promise.= My jsme pevně dodržovali slib./ We were so young = Byli jsme tak mladí. /

Bobby was our hero. = Bobby byl náš hrdina / Bobby had a fake I.D. = Bobby měl falešné doklady.
 I got busted stealing cigarettes. = Já jsem dostal kradené cigarety./  He took. = On vzal...
I got a call in the dead of the night = Já jsem dostal zavolání - zavolali mě uprostřed noci.

základní tvar nepravidelného slovesa minulý tvar nepravidelného slovesa
be (am, is, are) was, were
do did
cut cut
hold held
have had
get got
take took
say said











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